The clinic will be held at the Whetstone High School track. Please arrive promptly at 8:00 am for stretching and warm-ups; the clinic will start immediately afterward.
We’ll have lunch at the Park of Roses enclosed shelter house, then go back out to the track to conclude the day. The shelter house is across from the parking lot at Whetstone Park. It is approximately 0.6 mile from the school and may be easier to reach by walking the trail from the school to Whetstone Park.
Please bring your lunch and a small cooler with water and any snacks or energy bars you will need throughout the day.
The general flow of the clinic is:
In the morning session: Go over basics of race walking; watch each individual and give suggestions on how to improve; speed work and videotaping; lunch at shelter; look over videos and discussion; race walking to music; then a 1600-meter (approx. 2 miles) race on the track, with infraction paddles -- simulating a real race -- with DQs, if necessary. This would be 4 laps around the track. Then everyone can get an idea of what their 1-mile pace is and see about what their time would be if competing in the Senior Games 1500-meter races.
This is a Buckeye Strider member benefit, and there is no charge for this clinic. In order to attend, a prior RSVP was required.